mobile apps

mobile apps

What App’enned to my App

We attended Last night’s TechHub event, “What App’enned to my App” which was exciting, interesting and inspirational. The CityGate sponsors presented a fantastic panel of guests to a packed room full of eager delegates.

Go Big, Go Niche or Go Home

The event had a fairly wide ranging take on the do’s and don’ts of app development, but these are my take home notes:

Pick your market sector, Read More

blog Tags: , , , | September 14, 2013

PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile

Smartphone Apps the simple way

We’ve recently released the mobile registration apps for StreetGames so thought we’d write a quick post on the technology we used to produce the apps. During the project we developed a mobile browser friendly website and apps, for iPhone and Android.

The apps enable Streetgames coaches to register the attendance of the participants at their doorstep sports clubs. These might take place in Read More

blog Tags: , , , , , , | September 10, 2013

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